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Our substrate mount design will incorporate the features that respond to your specific needs, including:

  • The sample size and shape
  • The required operating range of substrate (workpiece) temperature
  • The operating environment, which impacts selection of materials for the substrate holder and specifically the heating elements, if needed.
  • Biasing RF, DC and pulsed-DC, if required
  • Axial motion, if required, and the range. Both manual and automated options are available
  • Rotary motion, if required, typically, the motorized rotation of the substrate mount is adjustable speed up 20 rpm (The upper limit is set in the software and could be higher if the limit is an interface to the process control software).
  • Manual or automated shutters or shadow mask positioning systems, if required.
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Interested in learning more about our products or need a custom solution?

Contact us for detailed information and a personalized quote. Our team at Plasmionique is ready to assist you with your specific needs and provide expert guidance on our advanced technologies.


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